My Take: 2019 State of the Union Address

This year’s state of the Union Address by President Trump was one of the uttermost importance. It’s no secret that he has infuriated Democrats and members in his own party, with his constant push for a border wall. This was a chance to talk about meaningful issues on both sides and bring some type of civility back to the White House. After reading a summary of the address by New York Times Glenn Thrush (link here), it’s my belief Trump did his best to do that.

Early on he brought up border security which has been a hot topic with the president over the last several months. He brought up his usual talking points, that we need a see-through wall structure to protect ourselves from the cartels coming from Mexico. One bright spot that came out of this part of the address, was nowhere in his plan did Trump talk about invoking a state of emergency along the Mexico Border. This was a relief for both Democrats and Republicans, who have warned the President in prior weeks that doing this will only cause more problems than actually solving it.

Trump championed to his own party when he brought up the issue of abortion. He called out the states of New York and Virginia who are in the works of trying to loosen abortion laws, calling what they are doing chilling. Specifically, the states want to perform 3rd-trimester abortions and want to do away with the health and safety standards for abortion clinics.

To the surprise of many Trump also put the women rights activist in a positive light in his speech. He specifically pointed to women being a huge force in the United States economy over the last year. A smart move on his part, especially due to the fact that he has had a checkered past with woman, to say the least.

Overall Trump wasn’t afraid to speak his mind on issues over the border wall and possible impeachment proceedings, but he found a way to cut the tension by bringing in issues to appease both parties.

3 thoughts on “My Take: 2019 State of the Union Address

  1. Nice post! What a relief to finally hear something about the SOTU that ends on a positive note. 🙂 I especially like the things you chose to highlight in your post. Encouraging thoughts for the start of what could be a really great year.


  2. Alex, I appreciate your point of view on this. I agree with the earlier comment that it’s so refreshing so see something happy and positive about the SOTU. I also appreciate your more conservative point of view. While I tend to be more moderate, I feel we need more conservative voices out there among millennials. Thanks for providing that!


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